воскресенье, 27 сентября 2015 г.

Converting to Islam ?

So far many friends and strangers were questioning me if I would like to convert to Islam. This question was based on their evaluation of my latest interests Middle Eastern cultures and political aspects of the history, as well as my elementary knowledge of Arabic and some Islamic rules.

I always liked to know the truth from the original source. Reading many articles and news reports, where people were quoting Koran, made me think that the best way to know whose words are right (and if Islam really promotes violence of any form) is to read Koran myself. Currently I'm reading it in Ukrainian (mother language always reaches your heart first!). I also plan to learn Arabic for purpose of understanding original texts.

As far as I can see now, I share a lot of ideas and values in life with these, which are mentioned by Allah in Holy Writing. Plus, I've met a lot of Muslim people, who are very nice to me and helped me a lot. But the most important part for me was discovery of those people, who share my ideas and value the same things in life. Unfortunately, in modern world and any non-Muslim community such people are less and less common.

I'm Orthodox Christian raised in Central Ukraine. This means I'm not very religious person, as well as my parents and grandparents. This is because:
- I wasn't taught so much about Christian religion at young age.
- Main religion in Kyivan Rus' was Paganism. Then the king Volodymir decided to convert Ukrainians to some new religion, which will be beneficial for trading purposes. He was deciding between Islam (reach Meddle Eastern region by these times) or Christianity (new developing Europe). He decided to bring Christianity to Ukraine from Byzantium.
- In USSR time it was forbidden to go to the church. Only old people on big religious holidays were allowed to visit a church. That's why generation of my parents doesn't know much about religious traditions.
- Every young parents do Baptism to their children, because it's part of Ukrainian culture and local traditions.

I believe religion and faith are absolutely different things. Christian religion is just part of the culture in which I was raised. We (Ukrainians) for the most part already gave up speaking our native language, because of the influence and terror of Russia/former USSR/Moscow Empire. I felt how it is to be 'a person without motherland' in Germany, where everyone says I'm 'russische Frau' (Russian woman) or immigrant from East Europe, but when I say 'I'm from Ukraine' - people are lost, because 'She's not from Russia'=no motherland. I just don't want to loose last boundaries (in form of religion) with my culture and motherland.

I also believe, that God is within us and no one should relate only on Gods will, but live his/her life like a good person and try his/her best at everything.  I'm really grateful one Muslim person, who said 'Do you believe in God? [My answer was: Yes] This is the most important!'.

By my experience being Christian, I feel like it's very important to have people, who will support you and show you the right path. It should be done from young childhood or supported by spouse with same religious background.

Maybe someday I will choose Islam, but only if there will be completely committed person by my side to help me out :-)

P.S. As one of my Ukrainian friends said: 'I feel like it is really yours. If you will decide to change your religion one day - you'll be the same person for me and I'll love you anyway'.

среда, 9 сентября 2015 г.

Urban Samurai

Уже несколько лет не сдает позиций в мире моды стиль Urban Samurai. Начавшись с добавления дизайнерами простых элементов этно в свои коллекции, мотивы гардероба самураев и японских горожан постепенно набирал интерес аудитории.
Минимализм, функциональность, пропорции и симметрия – вот основные черты Urban Samurai, что так полюбились и дизайнерам и жителям мегаполисов.
Характерными особенностями стиля является одежда монохромных цветов, но разных фактур. Плащи-накидки , максимально приталенная верхняя часть одежды и штаны-шаровары, которые раньше являлись неотъемлемой повседневной одеждой жителей восточных стран, также остается актуальной униформой для современных горожан.
Такие дизайнеры и бренды как Giuliano Fujiwara, Josep Abril, Lorenzo Romani и Mauro Rubui для DA.INKE, Rituals.com являются одними из главных популистов Urban Samurai стиля.
Стоит отметить, что многие деятели искусства( одним из которых является японский певец и композитор Miyavi) используют образ Urban Samurai в своей работе и личном стиле за его лаконичность и сдержанность для мероприятий любого типа и неприхотливость в уходе за внешнем видом.

среда, 16 октября 2013 г.

Natural colors of autumn

This rose in my garden was blooming last year around the same time. I looked at it and thought "This beauty is gonna die soon because  it will be too cold for it. Autumn...it's like the end of somebody's life..." And week later my grandfather passed away and this rose was cut for his funeral  ceremony. Now this little dried thing lives in my grandmother's apartment next to my grandfather's photo.

Urban beauty - nature survives any kind of barrier....

Few sorts of dandelions are still in bloom.

My first four-leaf clover this year (16.10.2013).

This autumn bouquet was gather to cheer up my grandmather.

четверг, 3 октября 2013 г.

Scent of winter

It's second morning when I feel and smell it - the scent of winter...

It's something that is hard to describe if you weren't born in the winter. You feel first snowflakes are coming and swirling in the air. The feel of new life starting and hopes, your hope, hopes of thousands and billions of people, their wishes which came true and those that are still unrealized...I feel them all...

Sometimes, I want to be a fairy lady to make somebody's wishes come true...

Update: Dad called during the day and told me that he saw the first snow falling and my mom told me the same, but I missed it because I was swimming in the pool first time in the new season. But anyway, my prediction was correct. It really snowed today :)

среда, 2 октября 2013 г.

Men's ignore or Be a queen, but act like a bitch?

Warning: In the post was used information from real chat with one of my best guy-friends.

When somebody is jealous or envious - I don't care too much. I just don't feel. I am being cold-hearted on a surface as long as possible. But people still can insult me sometimes by ignoring, being late, irresponsible, not organized and not punctual.

Especially guys, whom I admire in real life and who's side/position I take most of the time are just killing me with their unexpected behavior. I still don't get it, when somebody sincerely says: "Let's keep in touch. I want to know you. I'll be happy to talk to you more." and then don't answer your mails for a long time with no reason for a delay or don't answer them at all.

One of my best guy-friends told me: "I might ignore a man, but never I would ignore a lady!" I hope everybody/majority to be like this.

Those guys are so pathetic, I swear!!! They are just irresponsible. Now everybody is scared to take a responsibility.
I don't want to judge these guys, but I'm just pissed off (can you believe this) because I don't get their behavior. They were nice when we met in person, but they don't even answer if they checked a mail few weeks ago. Even one guy, who is not the best personality in my opinion, did answer my mail. Who is much more intelligent then? 
That guy wrote that he's busy now and can't answer too often, but he answered and explained that he's busy.
He was very honest. But we are all busy and we should never forget about our good friends. 

You know, I, honestly, don't want to be disappointed in guys at my age. What I'll do when'll be older?! 
But I'm pissed off by being treated like this. Being treated like this just because I DO CARE about the person. Sometimes I just want to write to them that it was mean and to see their reaction...
And it's not always only about the mails. Even in real life guys show their interest and when you admit it they just start to ignore you. You'll say "Everybody loves a challenge.", so should women act like a bitch to be loved? Every man wants a good girlfriend, but they make us act like bitches...

Asia: Food is the currency of love

Sometimes I like to read about international and interracial relationships and today I found an interesting remark about cult of food in Asian cultures. From my experience of communication with Asian people and my own culture's traditions and customs concerning food, I think it's true statement and I really appreciate the way people care about food.
 I honestly was surprised and pleased at the same time when during the festival "Yaponomania" in which I took part as coordinator of volunteers, Saito-san and Bishin Jumonji-sensei (guests from Japan and participants to the festival) gave me one of their bento, bottle of water, peach and chocolate candies, because the Ukrainian company, which invited me to volunteer, lost my ticket for free food and didn't dare to treat me with some food even though I worked the whole days without a break.

One of the secrets about Asian culture is that if you want to show that you care, you feed someone. To us, food is the currency of love. The idea of nurturing someone’s hunger and ultimately, their health, is seen as one of the most highly regarded acts in all Asian cultures. 

понедельник, 30 сентября 2013 г.

Mommy-to-be or -not-to-be?!

Going back home I was a witness of a sin...

Young lady who's obviously 7 or 8 months pregnant was standing smoking next to her friend (also a woman) who was smoking too.

Recently, I have seen another picture next to my local supermarket: I saw the back of the woman with a small girl walking with her, but the most interesting picture was further - a couple, pregnant woman and her husband were looking at the same direction at the same woman with a kid, who was smoking at the same time. I looked at this woman, then on pregnant woman who caught my look we both and her husband had the same expressions of shock on our faces and we all looked back at that woman once again...

Do those women understand that their temporary satisfaction can influence on baby's health? What are they thinking about (if they have ability to think at all)?..

During the winter (when in Ukraine temperature reach a point around -17, -22 degrees Celsium) girls, young ladies and women are wearing miniskirts, shortcut coats, nylon tights and even shorts. Some of my foreign friends were wondering if it's some kind of competition here called "Who will survive in the shortest miniskirt".

Sometimes I wonder if those girls/women consider which kind of consequences it may cause to their health, do they want or plan to have kids ever? Do they want to have normal sexual life or they want to suffer from some terrible disease for the rest of their lives?